Favorite Recordings of 2021

Posted: 2022-01-01

Another year done, another crop of musical recordings have been released into the world. Here are my favorites of the year. Two lists of 9, yes 9, top 10 lists are overly done. Plus I like the number nine.

Recordings Considered Albums Or EPs

  1. Takahiro Kawaguchi - "Recorded Xenoglossy" Released: 2021-05-18 Type: Album Label: Pilgrim Talk Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube Music
  2. Soul Blind - "Third Chain - EP" Released: 2021-09-16 Type: EP Label: Other People Records Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Tidal, Youtube Music
  3. BIG|BRAVE - "Vital" Released: 2021-04-23 Type: Album Label: Southern Lord Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Tidal, Youtube Music
  4. Cerebral Rot - "Excretion of Mortality" Released: 2021-06-25 Type: Album Label: 20 Buck Spin Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube Music
  5. Taku Sugimoto - "snare drum (2011)" Released: 2021-02-04 Type: Album Label: Self Released Listen: Bandcamp
  6. DEFACEMENT - "Defacement" Released: 2021-09-03 Type: Album Label: I, Voidhanger Records Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube Music
  7. Volumes - "happier?" Released: 2021-11-19 Type: Album Label: Fearless Records Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Fearless Store, Spotify, Youtube Music
  8. Dirty Honey - "Dirty Honey" Released: 2021-04-23 Type: Album Label: Dirt Records Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, Youtube Music
  9. Phanes - "phanes" Released: 2021-07-05 Type: Album Label: 2035 RECORDS Listen: Bandcamp

Recordings Considered Singles

  1. Elision - "Utopia" Released: 2021-06-04 Type: Single Label: Self Released Listen: Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube

    Note: This track can be listened to as single on all platforms except for Bandcamp. On Bandcamp it can only be experienced via the EP called "There's More To Us Than You and I". I would have added the EP to the list above, but I like the other albums/EPs just a bit more.

  2. The Faim - "Ease My Mind" Released: 2021-11-19 Type: Single Label: BMG Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, Youtube
  3. Tie between Florrie and Florrie
    Florrie - "Walk Away" Released: 2021-04-09 Type: Single Label: Xenomania UK LTD Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, Youtube
    Florrie - "Street Lights" Released: 2021-06-25 Type: Single Label: Xenomania UK LTD Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, Youtube
  4. Sean Colum - "cafe_Alpha" Released: 2021-08-16 Type: Single / Short Form Piece Label: Self Released Stream: Youtube
  5. ERRA - "Vanish Canvas (feat. Courtney LaPlante)" Released: 2021-10-07 Type: Single Label: UNFD Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Tidal, Youtube
  6. santiago bonetti - "efecto mariposa" Released: 2021-10-19 Type: Single Label: Self Released / 1840580 Records DK / dajnow Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Tidal, Youtube
  7. MUNA - "Silk Chiffon (featuring Phoebe Bridgers)" Released: 2021-09-07 Type: Single Label: Saddest Factory Records / Dead Oceans Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, Youtube
  8. Tides - "Haven" Released: 2021-03-12 Type: Single Label: Self Released Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube
  9. Thornhill - "Casanova" Released: 2021-10-28 Type: Single Label: UNFD Listen: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Tidal, Youtube