Favorite Recordings Of 2019

Posted: 2020-01-01

Another year done, another crop of musical recordings have been released into the world. Here are my nine favorite recordings of the year.

  1. Torche - "Admission" Released: 2019-07-12 Type: Album Label: Relapse Records Listen: Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube
  2. Luciano Maggiore - "Locu" Released: 2019-05-01 Type: Album Label: Dinzu Artefacts Listen: Bandcamp
  3. The Midnight - "America Online" Released: 2019-05-03 Type: Single Label: Self Released Listen: Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube
  4. Takamitsu Ohta - "Three Ways to Output from a Recorder" Released: 2019-05 Type: Album Label: Careful Catalog Buy: Physical
  5. Battles - "Juice B Crypts" Released: 2019-10-18 Type: Album Label: Warp Records Listen: Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube
  6. Wavey - "Fade" Released: 2019-06-22 Type: Single Label: Self Released Listen: Apple Music, Spotify, Youtube
  7. VA AA LR - "07.07.18 Live at Gardena Fest IV, Rotterdam" Released: 2019-04-26 Type: EP / Longform Track Released via AA-REC Download / Stream: 320k MP3, 24bit WAV Note: This is a live recording of VA AA LR using signal flares as the instruments of sound making.
  8. Kukangendai - "Palm" Released: 2019-03-26 Type: Album Label: Ideologic Organ Listen: Apple Music, Bandcamp, Spotify, Youtube
  9. Minke - "Too Late" Released: 2019-01-18 Type: Single Label / Artist Management: This Fiction Listen: Apple Music, Spotify, Youtube