Posted: 2018-11-30

I released a new album today, on my 41 birthday, that doesn't involve a snare drum.

The album cover for 2. It is a photo, out the window of my apartment, looking out on to Elmwood Avenue in Buffalo New York. You can see a lamp post, with two lamps, and buildings to the right and left. The focus of the image is actually on the window screen and the rain drops on it.

The album cover for "2"

The second part of the series, "glitching fragility".

"2" is a glitch, a sub-genre of electronic music, album that was composed in Niagara Falls and Buffalo, NY over a 16 year period, between 2002 and 2018. The tracks on this album were originally meant to be on a follow up EP to "I'm fragile again" which never came to be. These recordings were left sitting, in the bottomless cave that is my music archive, until October 2018 when I decided to see what else I had created during the time period that "I'm fragile again" was composed in. To my surprise there was some really good stuff there, not enough for an album/EP in the state that it was, but enough to build from. So I took the full tracks and used the fragments/ideas for new songs and, over a week and half, "2" was born. Good things come to those who wait. Or good things come to those who loose interest in things and come back to them at a much later date.

If possible, listen with headphones.

Composed with a guitar, field recordings, sine waves, and a computer.

Give it a listen on Bandcamp.