v/a - an invitation... extended... interpret as you wish... thank you. (1.8)sec.compilation #2
Posted: 2018-05-28I was asked by Chris Bryan, (1.8)sec.records, back in September 2017 to be on a compilation of extended technique playing. It was exciting to be asked by a label that, last year, released the latest album by one of my favorite alto sax players, David Gross (gdg). So, of course, I said yes! My track was recorded in my apartment with the windows open. The mixture of my snare drum and the outside make me happy.
Here are the other musicians that are showcased:
As of the 22nd of May the compilation, v/a - an invitation... extended... interpret as you wish... thank you. (1.8)sec.compilation #2, is officially available in digital and cassette formats. Buy your copy today!

The cover of "v/a - an invitation... extended... interpret as you wish... thank you. (1.8)sec.compilation #2"